TheatreBooks carries two major series of accent instruction recordings: Acting
With An Accent produced by David Alan Stern, and Dialect Accents produced
by Gillian Lane Plescia. Each series offers a booklet and recording package per accent/dialect.

David Alan Stern has created 26 individual accent packages which retail for $25.95
Canadian (unless otherwise noted). Each package includes one booklet (about 20 pages
long) and one cassette tape, one hour in length. The recording covers six to ten
lessons on pitch characteristics, stress patterns and musculature work. Stern demonstrates
the vowel sounds and speech lilts in his own voice, following exercises recorded
in the booklet. The last lesson consists of a monologue, printed in the booklet with
indications to stresses and pronounciation, to be practised in repetition. The accent
packages available are:
American Accents
For British Actors ($72.95) |
Italian |
American Accents
For Canadian Actors |
Midwest Farm & Ranch |
American Southern |
New York City |
Arabic |
Norweigan & Swedish |
Australian |
Polish |
Boston |
Russian |
British North Country |
Scottish |
Chicago |
Spanish |
Cockney |
Standard British |
Down-East New England |
Texas |
Farsi/Persian |
Upper-Class Massechusetts (Kennedy-esque) |
French |
West-Indian/Black African |
German |
Yiddish |
Irish |
In conjunction with Roger Karshner, another US-based voice coach, Stern has created
two sampler recordings of accents called Dialect Monologues Volumes 1 and
Each features a collection of one to three minute monologues covering all vowel
sounds. The monologues are printed in a booklet accompanying the recording.
Volume One includes Texas, Irish, British, French, NYC, Boston, Mountain
Southern, Chicago, German, Yiddish, Spanish, Cockney & Italian.
Volume Two includes: Black African, Northern Irish, English South African,
Welsh, Cajun, Canadian, Afrikaans, Liverpudlian, Asian Indian, Hebrew, Down East
New England, Austrailan, Russian & Scottish.
Volume One is available in either tape ($32.95) or CD ($41.95) format;
Volume Two is currently only available in tape format ($32.95)
Stern has also created several other accent-related recordings. These include:
The Sound & Style of American English -- a full course in American
accent work contained in two cassette tapes and a booklet. $49.95.
The Speaker's Voice -- a course in diction, breath control and resonance
contained in two cassette tapes and a booklet. $49.95.
Speaking Without An Accent -- a course in accent reduction in the regular
20-page booklet and tape package. $25.95.
Tapes on Speaking Without a Boston Accent and Speaking Without a Chicago
Accent are also available. $25.95 each.

Gillian Lane-Plescia has created 13 accent packages, which also include a booklet
(about 25 pages) and a hour-long cassette tape, each available from TheatreBooks
for $24.95. She originally focused only on dialects of English, but due to enormous
popularity, has begun to branch out into accent work as well (German/Dutch). Her
packages consist of three sections:
1) Sound Changes -- common vowel sounds
2) Rhythm & Melody -- discussion of lilt
3) examples of accents (monologues used in this section are also printed in the
For the third section she uses both her own voice and the recorded voices of native
speakers (male and female). Lane-Plescia is careful to include a wide variety of
accent variations; for example, in Accents of The American South: Volume 1,
she records 19 different native speakers from 14 different locations in Alabama,
Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Missippi.
Her accent packages include:
- Accents For Black Actors
- American Southern (Vol. 1 & 2)
- Australia/New Zealand
- British North Country
- Cockney
- German/Dutch
- Irish (Vol. 1 & 2)
- Russian & Other Slavic Accents
- Scots
- South African
- Standard British
- Welsh
With the exception of Accents for Black Actors, Accents of The American South
(Volumes One and Two), Australian and New Zealand Accents, and South African Dialect, all
of the Lane-Plescia packages are available in either a cassette tape/booklet package ($24.95)
or a CD/booklet package ($32.95). We expect that the five listed above
will also be available on CD shortly.
Other voice work recordings available through TheatreBooks include:
Stage Dialects
Jerry Blunt
An accent instruction series available in either cassette tapes or book format sold
separately. Includes Japanese, Brooklyn, American Southern, Standard British, Cockney,
Irish, Scottish, French, Italian, German and Russian. Book, $32.95; set of 3 cassette
tapes, $58.95.
More Stage Dialects
Jerry Blunt
Features 56 dialects from all over the world (see Stage Dialects for more information).
Book, $32.95; set of 2 tapes, $39.95.
Canajun, Eh: Canadian Dialects For Actors
David Ferry
A fabulous CD covering accents from coast to coast, presented as a series of monologues.
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Accents: A Manual for Actors
Robert Blumenfeld
Accents is without a doubt the most useful and complete guide to accents
available. Inside you'll find clear instructions on how to speak more than 100
dialects which represent a comprehensive selection from around the globe. Also
included, to help you learn, are two CDs on which the author performs several
of the exercises from
the book. Softcover, 424 pp. $49.50.

Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary
Daniel Jones
This 16th edition of Daniel Jones' classic pronounciation guide includes over
80,000 entries, 215,000 pronounciations, full coverage of British and North American
pronounciation, useful information on key pronounciation issues, and much more.
Softcover 606 pp. $42.99.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language
David Crystal
By offering a rare experience of the English language --
exploring its past, present and future -- this wonderous text
has established itself as one of the major publications of recent
times. Author David Crystal systematically explains the history,
structure, variety and range of uses of English worldwide, employing
a rich apparatus of text, pictures, tables, maps, and graphics.
Softcover, 499 pp. $52.99.